Search Results: "vincent"

1 October 2021

Vincent Bernat: FRnOG #34: how we deployed a datacenter in one click

Here are the slides I presented for FRnOG #34 in October 2021. They are about automating the deployment of Blade s datacenters using Jerikan and Ansible. For more information, have a look at Jerikan+Ansible: a configuration management system for network.
The presentation, in French, was recorded. I have added English subtitles.1

  1. Good thing if you don t understand French as my diction was poor with a lot of fillers.

12 September 2021

Vincent Bernat: Short feedback on Cisco pyATS and Genie Parser

Cisco pyATS is a framework for network automation and testing. It includes, among other things, an open-source multi-vendor set of parsers and models, Genie Parser. It features 2700 parsers for various commands over many network OS. On the paper, this seems a great tool!
>>> from genie.conf.base import Device
>>> device = Device("router", os="iosxr")
>>> # Hack to parse outputs without connecting to a device
>>> device.custom.setdefault("abstraction",  )["order"] = ["os", "platform"]
>>> cmd = "show route ipv4 unicast"
>>> output = """
... Tue Oct 29 21:29:10.924 UTC
... O [110/2] via, 5d23h, GigabitEthernet0/0/0/0.110
... """
>>> device.parse(cmd, output=output)
 'vrf':  'default':  'address_family':  'ipv4':  'routes':  '':  'route': '',
       'active': True,
       'route_preference': 110,
       'metric': 2,
       'source_protocol': 'ospf',
       'source_protocol_codes': 'O',
       'next_hop':  'next_hop_list':  1:  'index': 1,
          'next_hop': '',
          'outgoing_interface': 'GigabitEthernet0/0/0/0.110',
          'updated': '5d23h' 
First deception: pyATS is closed-source with some exceptions. This is quite annoying if you run into some issues outside Genie Parser. For example, although pyATS is using the ssh command, it cannot leverage my ssh_config file: pyATS resolves hostnames before providing them to ssh. There is no plan to open source pyATS. Then, Genie Parser has two problems:
  1. The data models used are dependent on the vendor and OS, despite the documentation saying otherwise. For example, the data model used for IPv4 interfaces is different between NX-OS and IOS-XR.
  2. The parsers rely on line-by-line regular expressions to extract data and some Python code as glue. This is fragile and may break silently.
To illustrate the second point, let s assume the output of show ipv4 vrf all interface is:
  Loopback10 is Up, ipv4 protocol is Up
    Vrf is default (vrfid 0x60000000)
    Internet protocol processing disabled
  Loopback30 is Up, ipv4 protocol is Down [VRF in FWD reference]
    Vrf is ran (vrfid 0x0)
    Internet address is
    MTU is 1500 (1500 is available to IP)
    Helper address is not set
    Directed broadcast forwarding is disabled
    Outgoing access list is not set
    Inbound  common access list is not set, access list is not set
    Proxy ARP is disabled
    ICMP redirects are never sent
    ICMP unreachables are always sent
    ICMP mask replies are never sent
    Table Id is 0x0
Because the regular expression to parse an interface name does not expect the extra data after the interface state, Genie Parser ignores the line starting the definition of Loopback30 and parses the output to this structure:1
    "int_status": "up",
    "oper_status": "up",
    "vrf": "ran",
    "vrf_id": "0x0",
        "ip": "",
        "prefix_length": "32"
      "mtu": 1500,
      "mtu_available": 1500,
      "broadcast_forwarding": "disabled",
      "proxy_arp": "disabled",
      "icmp_redirects": "never sent",
      "icmp_unreachables": "always sent",
      "icmp_replies": "never sent",
      "table_id": "0x0"
While this bug is simple to fix, this is an uphill battle. Any existing or future slight variation in the output of a command could trigger another similar undetected bug, despite the extended test coverage. I have reported and fixed several other silent parsing errors: #516, #529, and #530. A more robust alternative would have been to use TextFSM and to trigger a warning when some output is not recognized, like Batfish, a configuration analysis tool, does. In the future, we should rely on YANG for data extraction, but it is currently not widely supported. SNMP is still a valid possibility but much information is not accessible through this protocol. In the meantime, I would advise you to only use Genie Parser with caution.

  1. As an exercise, the astute reader is asked to write the code to extract the IPv4 from this structure.

6 September 2021

Vincent Bernat: Switching to the i3 window manager

I have been using the awesome window manager for 10 years. It is a tiling window manager, configurable and extendable with the Lua language. Using a general-purpose programming language to configure every aspect is a double-edged sword. Due to laziness and the apparent difficulty of adapting my configuration about 3000 lines to newer releases, I was stuck with the 3.4 version, whose last release is from 2013. It was time for a rewrite. Instead, I have switched to the i3 window manager, lured by the possibility to migrate to Wayland and Sway later with minimal pain. Using an embedded interpreter for configuration is not as important to me as it was in the past: it brings both complexity and brittleness.
i3 dual screen setup
Dual screen desktop running i3, Emacs, some terminals, including a Quake console, Firefox, Polybar as the status bar, and Dunst as the notification daemon.
The window manager is only one part of a desktop environment. There are several options for the other components. I am also introducing them in this post.

i3: the window manager i3 aims to be a minimal tiling window manager. Its documentation can be read from top to bottom in less than an hour. i3 organize windows in a tree. Each non-leaf node contains one or several windows and has an orientation and a layout. This information arbitrates the window positions. i3 features three layouts: split, stacking, and tabbed. They are demonstrated in the below screenshot:
Example of layouts
Demonstration of the layouts available in i3. The main container is split horizontally. The first child is split vertically. The second one is tabbed. The last one is stacking.
Tree representation of the previous screenshot
Tree representation of the previous screenshot.
Most of the other tiling window managers, including the awesome window manager, use predefined layouts. They usually feature a large area for the main window and another area divided among the remaining windows. These layouts can be tuned a bit, but you mostly stick to a couple of them. When a new window is added, the behavior is quite predictable. Moreover, you can cycle through the various windows without thinking too much as they are ordered. i3 is more flexible with its ability to build any layout on the fly, it can feel quite overwhelming as you need to visualize the tree in your head. At first, it is not unusual to find yourself with a complex tree with many useless nested containers. Moreover, you have to navigate windows using directions. It takes some time to get used to. I set up a split layout for Emacs and a few terminals, but most of the other workspaces are using a tabbed layout. I don t use the stacking layout. You can find many scripts trying to emulate other tiling window managers but I did try to get my setup pristine of these tentatives and get a chance to familiarize myself. i3 can also save and restore layouts, which is quite a powerful feature. My configuration is quite similar to the default one and has less than 200 lines.

i3 companion: the missing bits i3 philosophy is to keep a minimal core and let the user implements missing features using the IPC protocol:
Do not add further complexity when it can be avoided. We are generally happy with the feature set of i3 and instead focus on fixing bugs and maintaining it for stability. New features will therefore only be considered if the benefit outweighs the additional complexity, and we encourage users to implement features using the IPC whenever possible. Introduction to the i3 window manager
While this is not as powerful as an embedded language, it is enough for many cases. Moreover, as high-level features may be opinionated, delegating them to small, loosely coupled pieces of code keeps them more maintainable. Libraries exist for this purpose in several languages. Users have published many scripts to extend i3: automatic layout and window promotion to mimic the behavior of other tiling window managers, window swallowing to put a new app on top of the terminal launching it, and cycling between windows with Alt+Tab. Instead of maintaining a script for each feature, I have centralized everything into a single Python process, i3-companion using asyncio and the i3ipc-python library. Each feature is self-contained into a function. It implements the following components:
make a workspace exclusive to an application
When a workspace contains Emacs or Firefox, I would like other applications to move to another workspace, except for the terminal which is allowed to intrude into any workspace. The workspace_exclusive() function monitors new windows and moves them if needed to an empty workspace or to one with the same application already running.
implement a Quake console
The quake_console() function implements a drop-down console available from any workspace. It can be toggled with Mod+ . This is implemented as a scratchpad window.
back and forth workspace switching on the same output
With the workspace back_and_forth command, we can ask i3 to switch to the previous workspace. However, this feature is not restricted to the current output. I prefer to have one keybinding to switch to the workspace on the next output and one keybinding to switch to the previous workspace on the same output. This behavior is implemented in the previous_workspace() function by keeping a per-output history of the focused workspaces.
create a new empty workspace or move a window to an empty workspace
To create a new empty workspace or move a window to an empty workspace, you have to locate a free slot and use workspace number 4 or move container to workspace number 4. The new_workspace() function finds a free number and use it as the target workspace.
restart some services on output change
When adding or removing an output, some actions need to be executed: refresh the wallpaper, restart some components unable to adapt their configuration on their own, etc. i3 triggers an event for this purpose. The output_update() function also takes an extra step to coalesce multiple consecutive events and to check if there is a real change with the low-level library xcffib.
I will detail the other features as this post goes on. On the technical side, each function is decorated with the events it should react to:
@on(CommandEvent("previous-workspace"), I3Event.WORKSPACE_FOCUS)
async def previous_workspace(i3, event):
    """Go to previous workspace on the same output."""
The CommandEvent() event class is my way to send a command to the companion, using either i3-msg -t send_tick or binding a key to a nop command. The latter is used to avoid spawning a shell and a i3-msg process just to send a message. The companion listens to binding events and checks if this is a nop command.
bindsym $mod+Tab nop "previous-workspace"
There are other decorators to avoid code duplication: @debounce() to coalesce multiple consecutive calls, @static() to define a static variable, and @retry() to retry a function on failure. The whole script is a bit more than 1000 lines. I think this is worth a read as I am quite happy with the result.

dunst: the notification daemon Unlike the awesome window manager, i3 does not come with a built-in notification system. Dunst is a lightweight notification daemon. I am running a modified version with HiDPI support for X11 and recursive icon lookup. The i3 companion has a helper function, notify(), to send notifications using DBus. container_info() and workspace_info() uses it to display information about the container or the tree for a workspace.
Notification showing i3 tree for a workspace
Notification showing i3 s tree for a workspace

polybar: the status bar i3 bundles i3bar, a versatile status bar, but I have opted for Polybar. A wrapper script runs one instance for each monitor. The first module is the built-in support for i3 workspaces. To not have to remember which application is running in a workspace, the i3 companion renames workspaces to include an icon for each application. This is done in the workspace_rename() function. The icons are from the Font Awesome project. I maintain a mapping between applications and icons. This is a bit cumbersome but it looks great.
i3 workspaces in Polybar
i3 workspaces in Polybar
For CPU, memory, brightness, battery, disk, and audio volume, I am relying on the built-in modules. Polybar s wrapper script generates the list of filesystems to monitor and they get only displayed when available space is low. The battery widget turns red and blinks slowly when running out of power. Check my Polybar configuration for more details.
Various modules for Polybar
Polybar displaying various information: CPU usage, memory usage, screen brightness, battery status, Bluetooth status (with a connected headset), network status (connected to a wireless network and to a VPN), notification status, and speaker volume.
For Bluetooh, network, and notification statuses, I am using Polybar s ipc module: the next version of Polybar can receive an arbitrary text on an IPC socket. The module is defined with a single hook to be executed at the start to restore the latest status.
type = custom/ipc
hook-0 = cat $XDG_RUNTIME_DIR/i3/network.txt 2> /dev/null
initial = 1
It can be updated with polybar-msg action "#network.send.XXXX". In the i3 companion, the @polybar() decorator takes the string returned by a function and pushes the update through the IPC socket. The i3 companion reacts to DBus signals to update the Bluetooth and network icons. The @on() decorator accepts a DBusSignal() object:
        signature="sa sv as",
        onlyif=lambda args: (
            args[0] == "org.bluez.Device1"
            and "Connected" in args[1]
            or args[0] == "org.bluez.Adapter1"
            and "Powered" in args[1]
async def bluetooth_status(i3, event, *args):
    """Update bluetooth status for Polybar."""
The middle of the bar is occupied by the date and a weather forecast. The latest also uses the IPC mechanism, but the source is a Python script triggered by a timer.
Date and weather in Polybar
Current date and weather forecast for the day in Polybar. The data is retrieved with the OpenWeather API.
I don t use the system tray integrated with Polybar. The embedded icons usually look horrible and they all behave differently. A few years back, Gnome has removed the system tray. Most of the problems are fixed by the DBus-based Status Notifier Item protocol also known as Application Indicators or Ayatana Indicators for GNOME. However, Polybar does not support this protocol. In the i3 companion, The implementation of Bluetooth and network icons, including displaying notifications on change, takes about 200 lines. I got to learn a bit about how DBus works and I get exactly the info I want.

picom: the compositor I like having slightly transparent backgrounds for terminals and to reduce the opacity of unfocused windows. This requires a compositor.1 picom is a lightweight compositor. It works well for me, but it may need some tweaking depending on your graphic card.2 Unlike the awesome window manager, i3 does not handle transparency, so the compositor needs to decide by itself the opacity of each window. Check my configuration for details.

systemd: the service manager I use systemd to start i3 and the various services around it. My xsession script only sets some environment variables and lets systemd handles everything else. Have a look at this article from Micha G ral for the rationale. Notably, each component can be easily restarted and their logs are not mangled inside the ~/.xsession-errors file.3 I am using a two-stage setup: i3.service depends on to start services before i3:
Description=X session
Then, i3 executes the second stage by invoking the
Description=i3 session
Have a look on my configuration files for more details.

rofi: the application launcher Rofi is an application launcher. Its appearance can be customized through a CSS-like language and it comes with several themes. Have a look at my configuration for mine.
Rofi as an application launcher
Rofi as an application launcher
It can also act as a generic menu application. I have a script to control a media player and another one to select the wifi network. It is quite a flexible application.
Rofi as a wifi network selector
Rofi to select a wireless network

xss-lock and i3lock: the screen locker i3lock is a simple screen locker. xss-lock invokes it reliably on inactivity or before a system suspend. For inactivity, it uses the XScreenSaver events. The delay is configured using the xset s command. The locker can be invoked immediately with xset s activate. X11 applications know how to prevent the screen saver from running. I have also developed a small dimmer application that is executed 20 seconds before the locker to give me a chance to move the mouse if I am not away.4 Have a look at my configuration script.
Demonstration of xss-lock, xss-dimmer and i3lock with a 4 speedup.

The remaining components
  • autorandr is a tool to detect the connected display, match them against a set of profiles, and configure them with xrandr.
  • inputplug executes a script for each new mouse and keyboard plugged. This is quite useful to load the appropriate the keyboard map. See my configuration.
  • xsettingsd provides settings to X11 applications, not unlike xrdb but it notifies applications for changes. The main use is to configure the Gtk and DPI settings. See my article on HiDPI support on Linux with X11.
  • Redshift adjusts the color temperature of the screen according to the time of day.
  • maim is a utility to take screenshots. I use Prt Scn to trigger a screenshot of a window or a specific area and Mod+Prt Scn to capture the whole desktop to a file. Check the helper script for details.
  • I have a collection of wallpapers I rotate every hour. A script selects them using advanced machine learning algorithms and stitches them together on multi-screen setups. The selected wallpaper is reused by i3lock.

  1. Apart from the eye candy, a compositor also helps to get tear-free video playbacks.
  2. My configuration works with both Haswell (2014) and Whiskey Lake (2018) Intel GPUs. It also works with AMD GPU based on the Polaris chipset (2017).
  3. You cannot manage two different displays this way e.g. :0 and :1. In the first implementation, I did try to parametrize each service with the associated display, but this is useless: there is only one DBus user session and many services rely on it. For example, you cannot run two notification daemons.
  4. I have only discovered later that XSecureLock ships such a dimmer with a similar implementation. But mine has a cool countdown!

30 August 2021

Russell Coker: Links August 2021

Sciencealert has an interesting article on a game to combat misinformation by microdosing people [1]. The game seemed overly simplistic to me, but I guess I m not the target demographic. Research shows it to work. Vice has an interesting and amusing article about mass walkouts of underpaid staff in the US [2]. The way that corporations are fighting an increase in the minimum wage doesn t seem financially beneficial for them. An increase in the minimum wage means small companies have to increase salaries too and the ratio of revenue to payroll is probably worse for small companies. It seems that companies like McDonalds make oppressing their workers a higher priority than making a profit. Interesting article in Vice about how the company Shot Spotter (which determines the locations of gunshots by sound) forges evidence for US police [3]. All convictions based on Shot Spotter evidence should be declared mistrials. BitsNBites has an interesting article on the fundamental flaws of SIMD (Single Instruction Multiple Data) [4]. The Daily Dot has a disturbing article anbout the possible future of the QAnon movement [5]. Let s hope they become too busy fighting each other to hurt many innocent people. Ben Taylor wrote an interesting blog post suggesting that Web Assembly should be a default binary target [6]. I don t support that idea but I think that considering it is useful. Web assembly could be used more for non-web things and it would be a better option than Node.js for some things. There are also some interesting corner cases like games, Minecraft was written in Java and there s no reason that Web Assembly couldn t do the same things. Vice has an interesting article about the Phantom encrypted phone service that ran on Blackberry handsets [7]. Australia really needs legislation based on the US RICO law! Vice has an interesting article about an encrypted phone company run by drug dealers [8]. Apparently after making an encrypted phone system for their own use they decided to sell it to others and made millions of dollars. They could have run a successful legal business. Salon has an insightful interview with Michael Petersen about his research on fake news and people who share it because they need chaos [9]. Apparently low status people who are status seeking are a main contributor to this, they share fake news knowingly to spread chaos. A society with less inequality would have less problems with fake news. Salon has another insightful interview with Michael Petersen, about is later research on fake news as an evolutionary strategy [10]. People knowingly share fake news to mobilise their supporters and to signal allegiance to their group. The more bizarre the beliefs are the more strongly they signal allegiance. If an opposing group has a belief then they can show support for their group by having the opposite belief (EG by opposing vaccination if the other political side supports doctors). He also suggests that lying can be a way of establishing dominance, the more honest people are opposed by a lie the more dominant the liar may seem. Vice has an amusing article about how police took over the Encrochat encrypted phone network that was mostly used by criminals [11]. It s amusing to read of criminals getting taken down like this. It s also interesting to note that the authorities messed up by breaking the wipe facility which alerted the criminals that their security was compromised. The investigation could have continued for longer if they hadn t changed the functionality of compromised phones. A later vice article mentioned that the malware installed on Encrochat devices recorded MAC addresses of Wifi access points which was used to locate the phones even though they had the GPS hardware removed. Cory Doctorow wrote an insightful article for Locus about the insufficient necessity of interoperability [12]. The problem if monopolies is not just an inability to interoperate with other services or leave it s losing control over your life. A few cartel participants interoperating will be able to do all the bad things to us tha a single monopolist could do.

23 August 2021

Vincent Bernat: ThinkPad X1 Carbon (Gen 7): 2 years later

Two years ago, I replaced my ThinkPad X1 Carbon 2014 with the latest generation. The new configuration embeds an Intel Core i7-8565U, 16 Gib of RAM, a 1 Tib NVMe disk, and a WQHD display (2560 1440). I did not ask for a WWAN card. I think it is easier and more reliable to use the wifi hotspot feature of a phone instead: no unreliable firmware and unsupported drivers.1 Here is my opinion on this model.
ThinkPad X1 Carbon 7th Gen with the lid closed
ThinkPad X1 Carbon with its lid closed
While the second generation got a very odd keyboard, this one got a classic one with a full row of function keys. I don t know if my model was defective, but the keyboard skips one keypress from time to time. I have got used to it, but the space key still has a hard time registering when hitting it with my right thumb. The travel course is also shorter and it is less comfortable to type on it than it was on the 2014 version. The trackpoint2 works well. The physical buttons are a welcome addition. I am only using the trackpad for scrolling with the two-finger gesture.
Keyboard of the X1 Carbon 7th Gen
Keyboard with an ANSI QWERTY layout (aka English EU for Lenovo). The LEDs on the speaker and microphone keys work out of the box on Linux.
The screen does not suffer from ghosting effects like the one in my previous ThinkPad. To avoid leaving marks on the screen, I use a piece of cloth on top of the keyboard when closing the laptop. The 720p webcam has a built-in mechanical cover. Its quality is not great, but it does the job.
X1 Carbon 7th Gen
ThinkPad X1 Carbon with its lid opened
Battery life effortlessly reaches about 8 hours on a full charge. This is the main reason this laptop feels like a solid upgrade compared to the previous one: no need to carry a power brick during the day. This is the first Lenovo model with a sound card requiring the Sound Open Firmware. Without the appropriate firmware and the related userspace components (ALSA UCM and PulseAudio), the microphone does not work. If everything is set up correctly, the speakers produce a very decent sound, better than the 2014 model. It should now work out-of-the-box with Debian Bullseye. Just install the firmware-sof-signed package.3 The BIOS can be updated directly from Linux, thanks to the Linux Vendor Firmware Service. I was using the ThinkPad USB-C Dock Gen 2 as a docking station. Everything works out-of-the-box. However, from time to time, I got issues reliably getting an image on the two screens. I was using a couple of 10-year LG monitors with DVI connectors, so I relied on DP HDMI DVI adapters. This may have been the source of some of the problems.
ThinkPad USB-C Dock Gen 2
ThinkPad USB-C Dock Gen 2 with network, keyboard, mouse, power and two screens plugged

In summary, this is a fine laptop plagued with a bad keyboard. I did appreciate the good battery life and the fact there is still one HDMI and two USB-A ports, so I didn t need to travel with dongles. I was disappointed by how small the performance gap was with my 5-year older laptop. I am unsure to get a Lenovo for the next one: HiDPI screens are mostly unavailable and current prices are high. Other possibilities include: Until then, I am using my previous ThinkPad.

  1. The seventh generation moved from Sierra Wireless to Fibocom. While Linux support for modems is good, thanks to ModemManager, they are usually driven over the USB bus. The Fibocom L850-GL can use either the USB bus or the PCI bus but Lenovo s BIOS blacklists the former. It took quite some time to find how to switch it to USB after booting. A PCI driver is in progress.
  2. I did replace the trackpoint with a low-profile one from SaotoTech.
  3. The package is in non-free, despite being open-source: many platforms require the firmware to be signed by Intel.

7 July 2021

Vincent Fourmond: Upcoming features of QSoas and github repository

For the past years, most of the development has happened behind the scene in a private repository, and the code has appeared in the public repository only a couple of months before the release, in the release branch. I have now decided to publish the current code of QSoas in the github repository (in the public branch). This way, you can follow and use all the good things that were developed since the last release, and also verify whether any bug you have is still present in the currently developed version !

Upcoming features
This is the occasion to write a bit about the some of the features that have been added since the publication of the 3.0 release. Not all of them are polished nor documented yet, but here are a few teasers. The current version in github has: Check out the github repository if you want to know more about the new features !

As of now, no official date is planned for the 3.1 release, but this could happen during fall.

About QSoas
QSoas is a powerful open source data analysis program that focuses on flexibility and powerful fitting capacities. It is released under the GNU General Public License. It is described in Fourmond, Anal. Chem., 2016, 88 (10), pp 5050 5052. Current version is 3.0. You can download its source code there (or clone from the GitHub repository) and compile it yourself, or buy precompiled versions for MacOS and Windows there.

1 July 2021

Vincent Bernat: Upgrading my desktop PC

I built my current desktop PC in 2014. A second SSD was added in 2015. The motherboard and the power supply were replaced after a fault1 in 2016. The memory was upgraded in 2018. A discrete AMD GPU was installed in 2019 to drive two 4K screens. An NVMe disk was added earlier this year to further increase storage performance. This is a testament to the durability of a desktop PC compared to a laptop: it s evolutive and you can keep it a long time. While fine for most usage, the CPU started to become a bottleneck during video conferences.2 So, it was set for an upgrade. The table below summarizes the change. This update cost me about 800 .
Before After
CPU Intel i5-4670K @ 3.4 GHz AMD Ryzen 5 5600X @ 3.7 GHz
CPU fan Zalman CNPS9900 Noctua NH-U12S
Motherboard Asus Z97-PRO Gamer Asus TUF Gaming B550-PLUS
RAM 2 8 GB + 2 4 GB DDR3 @ 1.6 GHz 2 16 GB DDR4 @ 3.6 GHz
GPU Asus Radeon PH RX 550 4G M7
Disks 500 GB Crucial P2 NVMe
256 GB Samsung SSD 850
256 GB Samsung SSD 840
PSU be quiet! Pure Power CM L8 @ 530 W
Case Antec P100
According to some benchmark, the new CPU should be 4 faster when all cores are used and 1.5 faster for a single-threaded workload. Compiling an arbitrary3 kernel provides a 3 speedup. Before:
$ lscpu -e
  0    0      0    0 0:0:0:0          yes 3800.0000 800.0000
  1    0      0    1 1:1:1:0          yes 3800.0000 800.0000
  2    0      0    2 2:2:2:0          yes 3800.0000 800.0000
  3    0      0    3 3:3:3:0          yes 3800.0000 800.0000
$ CCACHE_DISABLE=1 =time -f '  %E' make -j$(nproc)
[ ]
  OBJCOPY arch/x86/boot/vmlinux.bin
  AS      arch/x86/boot/header.o
  LD      arch/x86/boot/setup.elf
  OBJCOPY arch/x86/boot/setup.bin
  BUILD   arch/x86/boot/bzImage
Kernel: arch/x86/boot/bzImage is ready  (#1)
$ lscpu -e
  0    0      0    0 0:0:0:0          yes 5210.3511 2200.0000
  1    0      0    1 1:1:1:0          yes 4650.2920 2200.0000
  2    0      0    2 2:2:2:0          yes 5210.3511 2200.0000
  3    0      0    3 3:3:3:0          yes 5073.0459 2200.0000
  4    0      0    4 4:4:4:0          yes 4932.1279 2200.0000
  5    0      0    5 5:5:5:0          yes 4791.2100 2200.0000
  6    0      0    0 0:0:0:0          yes 5210.3511 2200.0000
  7    0      0    1 1:1:1:0          yes 4650.2920 2200.0000
  8    0      0    2 2:2:2:0          yes 5210.3511 2200.0000
  9    0      0    3 3:3:3:0          yes 5073.0459 2200.0000
 10    0      0    4 4:4:4:0          yes 4932.1279 2200.0000
 11    0      0    5 5:5:5:0          yes 4791.2100 2200.0000
$ CCACHE_DISABLE=1 =time -f '  %E' make -j$(nproc)
[ ]
  OBJCOPY arch/x86/boot/vmlinux.bin
  AS      arch/x86/boot/header.o
  LD      arch/x86/boot/setup.elf
  OBJCOPY arch/x86/boot/setup.bin
  BUILD   arch/x86/boot/bzImage
Kernel: arch/x86/boot/bzImage is ready  (#1)
Here we go for another seven years!

  1. The original power supply was from an older configuration. It suddenly became unable to reliably start the PC. The motherboard got replaced as it was the first suspect: without load, the power supply was working correctly.
  2. On Linux, many programs are unable to leverage hardware acceleration. This is a pity. On a laptop, this can also draws the battery pretty fast.
  3. The kernel is configured with make defconfig on commit 15fae3410f1d.

13 June 2021

Vincent Fourmond: Solution for QSoas quiz #2: averaging several Y values for the same X value

This post describes two similar solutions to the Quiz #2, using the data files found there. The two solutions described here rely on split-on-values. The first solution is the one that came naturally to me, and is by far the most general and extensible, but the second one is shorter, and doesn't require external script files.
Solution #1 The key to both solution is to separate the original data into a series of datasets that only contain data at a fixed value of x (which corresponds here to a fixed pH), and then process each dataset one by one to extract the average and standard deviation. This first step is done thus:
QSoas> load kcat-vs-ph.dat
QSoas> split-on-values pH x /flags=data
After these commands, the stacks contains a series of datasets bearing the data flag, that each contain a single column of data, as can be seen from the beginnings of a show-stack command:
QSoas> k
Normal stack:
	 F  C	Rows	Segs	Name	
#0	(*) 1	43	1	'kcat-vs-ph_subset_22.dat'
#1	(*) 1	44	1	'kcat-vs-ph_subset_21.dat'
#2	(*) 1	43	1	'kcat-vs-ph_subset_20.dat'
Each of these datasets have a meta-data named pH whose value is the original x value from kcat-vs-ph.dat. Now, the idea is to run a stats command on the resulting datasets, extracting the average value of x and its standard deviation, together with the value of the meta pH. The most natural and general way to do this is to use run-for-datasets, using the following script file (named process-one.cmds):
stats /meta=pH /output=true /stats=x_average,x_stddev
So the command looks like:
QSoas> run-for-datasets process-one.cmds flagged:data
This command produces an output file containing, for each flagged dataset, a line containing x_average, x_stddev, and pH. Then, it is just a matter of loading the output file and shuffling the columns in the right order to get the data in the form asked. Overall, this looks like this:
l kcat-vs-ph.dat
split-on-values pH x /flags=data
output result.dat /overwrite=true
run-for-datasets process-one.cmds flagged:data
l result.dat
apply-formula tmp=y2;y2=y;y=x;x=tmp
dataset-options /yerrors=y2
The slight improvement over what is described above is the use of the output command to write the output to a dedicated file (here result.dat), instead of out.dat and ensuring it is overwritten, so that no data remains from previous runs.

Solution #2 The second solution is almost the same as the first one, with two improvements: This yields the following, smaller, solution:
l kcat-vs-ph.dat
split-on-values pH x /flags=data
stats /meta=pH /accumulate=* /stats=x_average,x_stddev /buffers=flagged:data
apply-formula tmp=y2;y2=y;y=x;x=tmp
dataset-options /yerrors=y2

About QSoas QSoas is a powerful open source data analysis program that focuses on flexibility and powerful fitting capacities. It is released under the GNU General Public License. It is described in Fourmond, Anal. Chem., 2016, 88 (10), pp 5050 5052. Current version is 3.0. You can download its source code there (or clone from the GitHub repository) and compile it yourself, or buy precompiled versions for MacOS and Windows there.

10 June 2021

Vincent Bernat: Serving WebP & AVIF images with Nginx

WebP and AVIF are two image formats for the web. They aim to produce smaller files than JPEG and PNG. They both support lossy and lossless compression, as well as alpha transparency. WebP was developed by Google and is a derivative of the VP8 video format.1 It is supported on most browsers. AVIF is using the newer AV1 video format to achieve better results. It is supported by Chromium-based browsers and has experimental support for Firefox.2

Your browser supports WebP and AVIF image formats. Your browser supports none of these image formats. Your browser only supports the WebP image format. Your browser only supports the AVIF image format.

Without JavaScript, I can t tell what your browser supports.

Converting and optimizing images For this blog, I am using the following shell snippets to convert and optimize JPEG and PNG images. Skip to the next section if you are only interested in the Nginx setup.

JPEG images JPEG images are converted to WebP using cwebp.
find media/images -type f -name '*.jpg' -print0 \
    xargs -0n1 -P$(nproc) -i \
      cwebp -q 84 -af ' ' -o ' '.webp
They are converted to AVIF using avifenc from libavif:
find media/images -type f -name '*.jpg' -print0 \
    xargs -0n1 -P$(nproc) -i \
      avifenc --codec aom --yuv 420 --min 20 --max 25 ' ' ' '.avif
Then, they are optimized using jpegoptim built with Mozilla s improved JPEG encoder, via Nix. This is one reason I love Nix.
jpegoptim=$(nix-build --no-out-link \
      -E 'with (import <nixpkgs> ); jpegoptim.override   libjpeg = mozjpeg;  ')
find media/images -type f -name '*.jpg' -print0 \
    sort -z
    xargs -0n10 -P$(nproc) \
      $ jpegoptim /bin/jpegoptim --max=84 --all-progressive --strip-all

PNG images PNG images are down-sampled to 8-bit RGBA-palette using pngquant. The conversion reduces file sizes significantly while being mostly invisible.
find media/images -type f -name '*.png' -print0 \
    sort -z
    xargs -0n10 -P$(nproc) \
      pngquant --skip-if-larger --strip \
               --quiet --ext .png --force
Then, they are converted to WebP with cwebp in lossless mode:
find media/images -type f -name '*.png' -print0 \
    xargs -0n1 -P$(nproc) -i \
      cwebp -z 8 ' ' -o ' '.webp
No conversion is done to AVIF: lossless compression is not as efficient as pngquant and lossy compression is only marginally better than what I get with WebP.

Keeping only the smallest files I am only keeping WebP and AVIF images if they are at least 10% smaller than the original format: decoding is usually faster for JPEG and PNG; and JPEG images can be decoded progressively.3
for f in media/images/**/*. webp,avif ; do
  orig=$(stat --format %s $ f%.* )
  new=$(stat --format %s $f)
  (( orig*0.90 > new ))   rm $f
I only keep AVIF images if they are smaller than WebP.
for f in media/images/**/*.avif; do
  [[ -f $ f%.* .webp ]]   continue
  orig=$(stat --format %s $ f%.* .webp)
  new=$(stat --format %s $f)
  (( $orig > $new ))   rm $f
We can compare how many images are kept when converted to WebP or AVIF:
printf "     %10s %10s %10s\n" Original WebP AVIF
for format in png jpg; do
  printf " $ format:u  %10s %10s %10s\n" \
    $(find media/images -name "*.$format"   wc -l) \
    $(find media/images -name "*.$format.webp"   wc -l) \
    $(find media/images -name "*.$format.avif"   wc -l)
AVIF is better than MozJPEG for most JPEG files while WebP beats MozJPEG only for one file out of two:
       Original       WebP       AVIF
 PNG         64         47          0
 JPG         83         40         74

Further reading I didn t detail my choices for quality parameters and there is not much science in it. Here are two resources providing more insight on AVIF:

Serving WebP & AVIF with Nginx To serve WebP and AVIF images, there are two possibilities:
  1. use <picture> to let the browser pick the format it supports, or
  2. use content negotiation to let the server send the best-supported format.
I use the second approach. It relies on inspecting the Accept HTTP header in the request. For Chrome, it looks like this:
Accept: image/avif,image/webp,image/apng,image/*,*/*;q=0.8
I configure Nginx to serve AVIF image, then the WebP image, and fallback to the original JPEG/PNG image depending on what the browser advertises:4
  map $http_accept $webp_suffix  
    default        "";
    "~image/webp"  ".webp";
  map $http_accept $avif_suffix  
    default        "";
    "~image/avif"  ".avif";
  # [ ]
  location ~ ^/images/.*\.(png jpe?g)$  
    add_header Vary Accept;
    try_files $uri$avif_suffix$webp_suffix $uri$avif_suffix $uri$webp_suffix $uri =404;
For example, let s suppose the browser requests /images/ont-box-orange@2x.jpg. If it supports WebP but not AVIF, $webp_suffix is set to .webp while $avif_suffix is set to the empty string. The server tries to serve the first existing file in this list:
  • /images/ont-box-orange@2x.jpg.webp
  • /images/ont-box-orange@2x.jpg
  • /images/ont-box-orange@2x.jpg.webp
  • /images/ont-box-orange@2x.jpg
If the browser supports both AVIF and WebP, Nginx walks the following list:
  • /images/ont-box-orange@2x.jpg.webp.avif (it never exists)
  • /images/ont-box-orange@2x.jpg.avif
  • /images/ont-box-orange@2x.jpg.webp
  • /images/ont-box-orange@2x.jpg
Eugene Lazutkin explains in more detail how this works. I have only presented a variation of his setup supporting both WebP and AVIF.

  1. VP8 is only used for lossy compression. Lossless compression is using an unrelated format.
  2. Firefox support was scheduled for Firefox 86 but because of the lack of proper color space support, it is still not enabled by default.
  3. Progressive decoding is not planned for WebP but could be implemented using low-quality thumbnail images for AVIF. See this issue for a discussion.
  4. The Vary header ensures an intermediary cache (a proxy or a CDN) checks the Accept header before using a cached response. Internet Explorer has trouble with this header and may not be able to cache the resource properly. There is a workaround but Internet Explorer s market share is now so small that it is pointless to implement it.

30 May 2021

Vincent Fourmond: QSoas quiz #2: averaging several Y values for the same X value

This second quiz may sound like the first one, but in fact, the approach used is completely different. The point is to gather some elementary statistics from a series of experiments performed under different conditions, but with several repeats at the same conditions.
Quiz You are given a file (which you can download there) that contains a series of pH value data: the X column is the pH, the Y column the result of the experiment at the given pH (let's say the measure of the catalytic rate of an enzyme). Your task is to take this data and produce a single dataset which contains, for each pH value, the pH, the average of the results at that pH and the standard deviation. The result should be identical to the following file, and should look like that:
There are several ways to do this, but all ways must rely on stats, and the more natural way in QSoas is to take advantage of split-on-values, which is a very powerful command but somehow hard to master, which is the point of this Quiz.
By the way, the data file is purely synthetic, if you look in the GitHub repository, you'll see how it was generated.

About QSoas QSoas is a powerful open source data analysis program that focuses on flexibility and powerful fitting capacities. It is released under the GNU General Public License. It is described in Fourmond, Anal. Chem., 2016, 88 (10), pp 5050 5052. Current version is 3.0. You can download its source code there (or clone from the GitHub repository) and compile it yourself, or buy precompiled versions for MacOS and Windows there.

25 May 2021

Vincent Bernat: Jerikan+Ansible: a configuration management system for network

There are many resources for network automation with Ansible. Most of them only expose the first steps or limit themselves to a narrow scope. They give no clue on how to expand from that. Real network environments may be large, versatile, heterogeneous, and filled with exceptions. The lack of real-world examples for Ansible deployments, unlike Puppet and SaltStack, leads many teams to build brittle and incomplete automation solutions. We have released under an open-source license our attempt to tackle this problem: Here is a quick demo to configure a new peering:
This work is the collective effort of C dric Hasco t, Jean-Christophe Legatte, Lo c Pailhas, S bastien Hurtel, Tchadel Icard, and Vincent Bernat. We are the network team of Blade, a French company operating Shadow, a cloud-computing product. In May 2021, our company was bought by Octave Klaba and the infrastructure is being transferred to OVHcloud, saving Shadow as a product, but making our team redundant. Our network was around 800 devices, spanning over 10 datacenters with more than 2.5 Tbps of available egress bandwidth. The released material is therefore a substantial example of managing a medium-scale network using Ansible. We have left out the handling of our legacy datacenters to make the final result more readable while keeping enough material to not turn it into a trivial example.

Jerikan The first component is Jerikan. As input, it takes a list of devices, configuration data, templates, and validation scripts. It generates a set of configuration files for each device. Ansible could cover this task, but it has the following limitations:
  • it is slow;
  • errors are difficult to debug;1 and
  • the hierarchy to look up a variable is rigid.
Jerikan inputs and outputs
Jerikan inputs and outputs
If you want to follow the examples, you only need to have Docker and Docker Compose installed. Clone the repository and you are ready!

Source of truth We use YAML files, versioned with Git, as the single source of truth instead of using a database, like NetBox, or a mix of a database and text files. This provides many advantages:
  • anyone can use their preferred text editor;
  • the team prepares changes in branches;
  • the team reviews changes using merge requests;
  • the merge requests expose the changes to the generated configuration files;
  • rollback to a previous state is easy; and
  • it is fast.
The first file is devices.yaml. It contains the device list. The second file is classifier.yaml. It defines a scope for each device. A scope is a set of keys and values. It is used in templates and to look up data associated with a device.
$ ./run-jerikan scope
continent: apac
environment: prod
- tor
- tor-bgp
- tor-bgp-compute
host: to1-p1.sk1
location: sk1
member: '1'
model: dell-s4048
os: cumulus
pod: '1'
shorthost: to1-p1
The device name is matched against a list of regular expressions and the scope is extended by the result of each match. For, the following subset of classifier.yaml defines its scope:
  - '^(([^.]*)\..*)\.blade-group\.net':
      environment: prod
      host: '\1'
      shorthost: '\2'
  - '\.(sk1)\.':
      location: '\1'
      continent: apac
  - '^to([12])-[as]?p(\d+)\.':
      member: '\1'
      pod: '\2'
  - '^to[12]-p\d+\.':
        - tor
        - tor-bgp
        - tor-bgp-compute
  - '^to[12]-(p ap)\d+\.sk1\.':
      os: cumulus
      model: dell-s4048
The third file is It describes which directories to search for a variable. A Python function provides a list of paths to look up in data/ for a given scope. Here is a simplified version:2
def searchpaths(scope):
    paths = [
        "host/ scope[location] / scope[shorthost] ",
        "location/ scope[location] ",
        "os/ scope[os] - scope[model] ",
        "os/ scope[os] ",
    for idx in range(len(paths)):
            paths[idx] = paths[idx].format(scope=scope)
        except KeyError:
            paths[idx] = None
    return [path for path in paths if path]
With this definition, the data for is looked up in the following paths:
$ ./run-jerikan scope
[ ]
Search paths:
Variables are scoped using a namespace that should be specified when doing a lookup. We use the following ones:
  • system for accounts, DNS, syslog servers,
  • topology for ports, interfaces, IP addresses, subnets,
  • bgp for BGP configuration
  • build for templates and validation scripts
  • apps for application variables
When looking up for a variable in a given namespace, Jerikan looks for a YAML file named after the namespace in each directory in the search paths. For example, if we look up a variable for in the bgp namespace, the following YAML files are processed: host/sk1/to1-p1/bgp.yaml, location/sk1/bgp.yaml, os/cumulus-dell-s4048/bgp.yaml, os/cumulus/bgp.yaml, and common/bgp.yaml. The search stops at the first match. The schema.yaml file allows us to override this behavior by asking to merge dictionaries and arrays across all matching files. Here is an excerpt of this file for the topology namespace:
    merge: hash
    merge: hash
    merge: hash
    merge: hash
The last feature of the source of truth is the ability to use Jinja2 templates for keys and values by prefixing them with ~ :
# In data/os/junos/system.yaml
  manufacturer: Juniper
  model: "~  model upper  "
# In data/groups/tor-bgp-compute/system.yaml
  role: net_tor_gpu_switch
Looking up for netbox in the system namespace for yields the following result:
$ ./run-jerikan scope
continent: us
environment: prod
- tor
- tor-bgp
- tor-bgp-compute
host: to1-p2.ussfo03
location: ussfo03
member: '1'
model: qfx5110-48s
os: junos
pod: '2'
shorthost: to1-p2
[ ]
Search paths:
[ ]
[ ]
$ ./run-jerikan lookup system netbox
manufacturer: Juniper
model: QFX5110-48S
role: net_tor_gpu_switch
This also works for structured data:
# In groups/adm-gateway/topology.yaml
  address: "~  lookup('topology', 'addresses').rescue  "
    - "~ip route add default via   lookup('topology', 'addresses').rescue ipaddr('first_usable')   table rescue"
    - "~ip rule add from   lookup('topology', 'addresses').rescue ipaddr('address')   table rescue priority 10"
# In groups/adm-gateway-sk1/topology.yaml
  ens1f0: "~  lookup('topology', 'interface-rescue')  "
This yields the following result:
$ ./run-jerikan lookup topology interfaces
[ ]
  - ip route add default via table rescue
  - ip rule add from table rescue priority 10
When putting data in the source of truth, we use the following rules:
  1. Don t repeat yourself.
  2. Put the data in the most specific place without breaking the first rule.
  3. Use templates with parsimony, mostly to help with the previous rules.
  4. Restrict the data model to what is needed for your use case.
The first rule is important. For example, when specifying IP addresses for a point-to-point link, only specify one side and deduce the other value in the templates. The last rule means you do not need to mimic a BGP YANG model to specify BGP peers and policies:
      asn: 174
        - 2001:550:2:B::1F9:1
        - name: ATT-US
          as-path: ".*7018$"
          lp-delta: 50
      monitored: true
      asn: 63055
        - 2001:504:30::ba06:3055:1
        - 2001:504:30::ba06:3055:2
      asn: 57976
        - 2001:504:30::ba05:7976:1
      irr: AS-BLIZZARD

Templates The list of templates to compile for each device is stored in the source of truth, under the build namespace:
$ ./run-jerikan lookup build templates
data.yaml: data.j2
config.txt: junos/main.j2
config-base.txt: junos/base.j2
config-irr.txt: junos/irr.j2
$ ./run-jerikan lookup build templates
data.yaml: data.j2
config.txt: cumulus/main.j2
frr.conf: cumulus/frr.j2
interfaces.conf: cumulus/interfaces.j2
ports.conf: cumulus/ports.j2
dhcpd.conf: cumulus/dhcp.j2
default-isc-dhcp: cumulus/default-isc-dhcp.j2
authorized_keys: cumulus/authorized-keys.j2
motd: linux/motd.j2
acl.rules: cumulus/acl.j2
rsyslog.conf: cumulus/rsyslog.conf.j2
Templates are using Jinja2. This is the same engine used in Ansible. Jerikan ships some custom filters but also reuse some of the useful filters from Ansible, notably ipaddr. Here is an excerpt of templates/junos/base.j2 to configure DNS and NTP servers on Juniper devices:
 % for ntp in lookup("system", "ntp") % 
    server   ntp  ;
 % endfor % 
 % for dns in lookup("system", "dns") % 
      dns  ;
 % endfor % 
The equivalent template for Cisco IOS-XR is:
 % for dns in lookup('system', 'dns') % 
domain vrf VRF-MANAGEMENT name-server   dns  
 % endfor % 
 % for syslog in lookup('system', 'syslog') % 
logging   syslog   vrf VRF-MANAGEMENT
 % endfor % 
There are three helper functions provided:
  • devices() returns the list of devices matching a set of conditions on the scope. For example, devices("location==ussfo03", "groups==tor-bgp") returns the list of devices in San Francisco in the tor-bgp group. You can also omit the operator if you want the specified value to be equal to the one in the local scope. For example, devices("location") returns devices in the current location.
  • lookup() does a key lookup. It takes the namespace, the key, and optionally, a device name. If not provided, the current device is assumed.
  • scope() returns the scope of the provided device.
Here is how you would define iBGP sessions between edge devices in the same location:
 % for neighbor in devices("location", "groups==edge") if neighbor != device % 
   % for address in lookup("topology", "addresses", neighbor).loopback tolist % 
protocols bgp group IPV  address ipv  -EDGES-IBGP  
  neighbor   address    
    description "IPv  address ipv  : iBGP to   neighbor  ";
   % endfor % 
 % endfor % 
We also have a global key-value store to save information to be reused in another template or device. This is quite useful to automatically build DNS records. First, capture the IP address inserted into a template with store() as a filter:
interface Loopback0
 description 'Loopback:'
  % for address in lookup('topology', 'addresses').loopback tolist % 
 ipv  address ipv   address   address store('addresses', 'Loopback0') ipaddr('cidr')  
  % endfor % 
Then, reuse it later to build DNS records by iterating over store():4
 % for device, ip, interface in store('addresses') % 
   % set interface = interface replace('/', '-') replace('.', '-') replace(':', '-') % 
   % set name = ' . '.format(interface lower, device) % 
  name  . IN   'A' if ip ipv4 else 'AAAA'     ip ipaddr('address')  
 % endfor % 
Templates are compiled locally with ./run-jerikan build. The --limit argument restricts the devices to generate configuration files for. Build is not done in parallel because a template may depend on the data collected by another template. Currently, it takes 1 minute to compile around 3000 files spanning over 800 devices.
Jerikan outputs when building templates
Output of Jerikan after building configuration files for six devices
When an error occurs, a detailed traceback is displayed, including the template name, the line number and the value of all visible variables. This is a major time-saver compared to Ansible!
templates/opengear/config.j2:15: in top-level template code
    config.interfaces.  interface  .netmask   adddress   ipaddr("netmask")  
        continent  = 'us'
        device     = ''
        environment = 'prod'
        host       = 'con1-ag2.ussfo03'
        infos      =  'address': '' 
        interface  = 'wan'
        location   = 'ussfo03'
        loop       = <LoopContext 1/2>
        member     = '2'
        model      = 'cm7132-2-dac'
        os         = 'opengear'
        shorthost  = 'con1-ag2'
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
value = JerkianUndefined, query = 'netmask', version = False, alias = 'ipaddr'
[ ]
        # Check if value is a list and parse each element
        if isinstance(value, (list, tuple, types.GeneratorType)):
            _ret = [ipaddr(element, str(query), version) for element in value]
            return [item for item in _ret if item]
>       elif not value or value is True:
E       jinja2.exceptions.UndefinedError: 'dict object' has no attribute 'adddress'
We don t have general-purpose rules when writing templates. Like for the source of truth, there is no need to create generic templates able to produce any BGP configuration. There is a balance to be found between readability and avoiding duplication. Templates can become scary and complex: sometimes, it s better to write a filter or a function in jerikan/ Mastering Jinja2 is a good investment. Take time to browse through our templates as some of them show interesting features.

Checks Optionally, each configuration file can be validated by a script in the checks/ directory. Jerikan looks up the key checks in the build namespace to know which checks to run:
$ ./run-jerikan lookup build checks
- description: Juniper configuration file syntax check
  script: checks/junoser
    input: config.txt
    output: config-set.txt
- description: check YAML data
  script: checks/data.yaml
  cache: data.yaml
In the above example, checks/junoser is executed if there is a change to the generated config.txt file. It also outputs a transformed version of the configuration file which is easier to understand when using diff. Junoser checks a Junos configuration file using Juniper s XML schema definition for Netconf.5 On error, Jerikan displays:
jerikan/ RuntimeError
-------------- Captured syntax check with Junoser call --------------
P: checks/junoser
C: /app/jerikan
E: Invalid syntax:  set system syslog archive size 10m files 10 word-readable
S: 1

Integration into GitLab CI The next step is to compile the templates using a CI. As we are using GitLab, Jerikan ships with a .gitlab-ci.yml file. When we need to make a change, we create a dedicated branch and a merge request. GitLab compiles the templates using the same environment we use on our laptops and store them as an artifact.
Merge requests in GitLab for a change
Merge request to add a new port in USSFO03. The templates were compiled successfully but approval from another team member is still required to merge.
Before approving the merge request, another team member looks at the changes in data and templates but also the differences for the generated configuration files:
Differences for generated configuration files
The change configures a port on the Juniper device, adds records to DNS, and updates NetBox with the new IP addresses (not shown).

Ansible After Jerikan has built the configuration files, Ansible takes over. It is also packaged as a Docker image to avoid the trouble to maintain the right Python virtual environment and ensure everyone is using the same versions.

Inventory Jerikan has generated an inventory file. It contains all the managed devices, the variables defined for each of them and the groups converted to Ansible groups: ansible_host= ansible_user=blade ansible_connection=network_cli ansible_network_os=ios ansible_host= ansible_user=blade ansible_connection=network_cli ansible_network_os=ios ansible_host= ansible_user=blade ansible_connection=network_cli ansible_network_os=ios
none ansible_connection=local
in-sync is a special group for devices which configuration should match the golden configuration. Daily and unattended, Ansible should be able to push configurations to this group. The mid-term goal is to cover all devices. none is a special device for tasks not related to a specific host. This includes synchronizing NetBox, IRR objects, and the DNS, updating the RPKI, and building the geofeed files.

Playbook We use a single playbook for all devices. It is described in the ansible/playbooks/site.yaml file. Here is a shortened version:
- hosts: adm-gateway:!done
  strategy: mitogen_linear
    - blade.linux
    - blade.adm-gateway
    - done
- hosts: os-linux:!done
  strategy: mitogen_linear
    - blade.linux
    - done
- hosts: os-junos:!done
  gather_facts: false
    - blade.junos
    - done
- hosts: os-opengear:!done
  gather_facts: false
    - blade.opengear
    - done
- hosts: none:!done
  gather_facts: false
    - blade.none
    - done
A host executes only one of the play. For example, a Junos device executes the blade.junos role. Once a play has been executed, the device is added to the done group and the other plays are skipped. The playbook can be executed with the configuration files generated by the GitLab CI using the ./run-ansible-gitlab command. This is a wrapper around Docker and the ansible-playbook command and it accepts the same arguments. To deploy the configuration on the edge devices for the SK1 datacenter in check mode, we use:
$ ./run-ansible-gitlab playbooks/site.yaml --limit='edge:&location-sk1' --diff --check
[ ]
PLAY RECAP *************************************************************  : ok=6    changed=0    unreachable=0    failed=0    skipped=3    rescued=0    ignored=0  : ok=5    changed=0    unreachable=0    failed=0    skipped=1    rescued=0    ignored=0
We have some rules when writing roles:
  • --check must detect if a change is needed;
  • --diff must provide a visualization of the planned changes;
  • --check and --diff must not display anything if there is nothing to change;
  • writing a custom module tailored to our needs is a valid solution;
  • the whole device configuration is managed;6
  • secrets must be stored in Vault;
  • templates should be avoided as we have Jerikan for that; and
  • avoid duplication and reuse tasks.7
We avoid using collections from Ansible Galaxy, the exception being collections to connect and interact with vendor devices, like cisco.iosxr collection. The quality of Ansible Galaxy collections is quite random and it is an additional maintenance burden. It seems better to write roles tailored to our needs. The collections we use are in ci/ansible/ansible-galaxy.yaml. We use Mitogen to get a 10 speedup on Ansible executions on Linux hosts. We also have a few playbooks for operational purpose: upgrading the OS version, isolate an edge router, etc. We were also planning on how to add operational checks in roles: are all the BGP sessions up? They could have been used to validate a deployment and rollback if there is an issue. Currently, our playbooks are run from our laptops. To keep tabs, we are using ARA. A weekly dry-run on devices in the in-sync group also provides a dashboard on which devices we need to run Ansible on.

Configuration data and templates Jerikan ships with pre-populated data and templates matching the configuration of our USSFO03 and SK1 datacenters. They do not exist anymore but, we promise, all this was used in production back in the days!
Network architecture for Blade datacenter
The latest iteration of our network infrastructure for SK1, USSFO03, and future data centers. The production network is using BGPttH using a spine-leaf fabric. The out-of-band network is using a simple L2 design, using the spanning tree protocol, as well as a set of console servers.
Notably, you can find the configuration for:
our edge routers
Some are running on Junos, like edge2.ussfo03, the others on IOS-XR, like edge1.sk1. The implemented functionalities are similar in both cases and we could swap one for the other. It includes the BGP configuration for transits, peerings, and IX as well as the associated BGP policies. PeeringDB is queried to get the maximum number of prefixes to accept for peerings. bgpq3 and a containerized IRRd help to filter received routes. A firewall is added to protect the routing engine. Both IPv4 and IPv6 are configured.
our BGP-based fabric
BGP is used inside the datacenter8 and is extended on bare-metal hosts. The configuration is automatically derived from the device location and the port number.9 Top-of-the-rack devices are using passive BGP sessions for ports towards servers. They are also serving a provisioning network to let them boot using DHCP and PXE. They also act as a DHCP server. The design is multivendor. Some devices are running Cumulus Linux, like to1-p1.ussfo03, while some others are running Junos, like to1-p2.ussfo03.
our out-of-band fabric
We are using Cisco Catalyst 2960 switches to build an L2 out-of-band network. To provide redundancy and saving a few bucks on wiring, we build small loops and run the spanning-tree protocol. See ob1-p1.ussfo03. It is redundantly connected to our gateway servers. We also use OpenGear devices for console access. See con1-n1.ussfo03
our administrative gateways
These Linux servers have multiple purposes: SSH jump boxes, rescue connection, direct access to the out-of-band network, zero-touch provisioning of network devices,10 Internet access for management flows, centralization of the console servers using Conserver, and API for autoconfiguration of BGP sessions for bare-metal servers. They are the first servers installed in a new datacenter and are used to provision everything else. Check both the generated files and the associated Ansible tasks.

  1. Ansible does not even provide a line number when there is an error in a template. You may need to find the problem by bisecting.
    $ ansible --version
    ansible 2.10.8
    [ ]
    $ cat test.j2
    Hello   name  !
    $ ansible all -i localhost, \
    >  --connection=local \
    >  -m template \
    >  -a "src=test.j2 dest=test.txt"
    localhost   FAILED! =>  
        "changed": false,
        "msg": "AnsibleUndefinedVariable: 'name' is undefined"
  2. You may recognize the same concepts as in Hiera, the hierarchical key-value store from Puppet. At first, we were using Jerakia, a similar independent store exposing an HTTP REST interface. However, the lookup overhead is too large for our use. Jerikan implements the same functionality within a Python function.
  3. The list of available filters is mangled inside jerikan/ This is a remain of the fact we do not maintain Jerikan as a standalone software.
  4. This is a bit confusing: we have a store() filter and a store() function. With Jinja2, filters and functions live in two different namespaces.
  5. We are using a fork with some modifications to be able to validate our configurations and exposing an HTTP service to reduce the time spent on each configuration check.
  6. There is a trend in network automation to automate a configuration subset, for example by having a playbook to create a new BGP session. We believe this is wrong: with time, your configuration will get out-of-sync with its expected state, notably hand-made changes will be left undetected.
  7. See ansible/roles/blade.linux/tasks/firewall.yaml and ansible/roles/blade.linux/tasks/interfaces.yaml. They are meant to be called when needed, using import_role.
  8. We also have some datacenters using BGP EVPN VXLAN at medium-scale using Juniper devices. As they are still in production today, we didn t include this feature but we may publish it in the future.
  9. In retrospect, this may not be a good idea unless you are pretty sure everything is uniform (number of switches for each layer, number of ports). This was not our case. We now think it is a better idea to assign a prefix to each device and write it in the source of truth.
  10. Non-linux based devices are upgraded and configured unattended. Cumulus Linux devices are automatically upgraded on install but the final configuration has to be pushed using Ansible: we didn t want to duplicate the configuration process using another tool.

24 May 2021

Vincent Bernat: Transient prompt with Zsh

Powerlevel10k is a theme for Zsh. It contains some powerful features, is astoundingly fast, and easy to customize. I am quite amazed at the skills of its main author. Be sure to also have a look at Zsh for Humans, a complete Zsh configuration including this theme. One of the nice features of Powerlevel10k is transient prompts: past prompts are reduced to a more minimal configuration to save space by removing unneeded information.
Demonstration of a transient prompt with Zsh: past prompts use a more compact form
My implementation of a transient prompt with Zsh. Past prompts are compact and include the time of the command execution, the hostname, and the status of the previous command while the complete prompt contains more information like the current directory and the Git branch.
When it comes to configuring my shell, I still prefer writing and understanding each line going into it. Therefore, I am still building my Zsh configuration from scratch. Here is how I have integrated the above transient feature into my prompt. The first step is to configure the appearance of the prompt in its compact form. Let s assume we have a variable, $_vbe_prompt_compact set to 1 when we want a compact prompt. We use the following function to define the prompt appearance:
_vbe_prompt ()  
    local retval=$?
    # When compact, just time + prompt sign
    if (( $_vbe_prompt_compact )); then
        # Current time (with timezone for remote hosts)
        _vbe_prompt_segment cyan default "%D %H:%M$ SSH_TTY+ %Z  "
        # Hostname for remote hosts
        [[ $SSH_TTY ]] && \
            _vbe_prompt_segment black magenta "%B%M%b"
        # Status of the last command
        if (( $retval )); then
            _vbe_prompt_segment red default $ PRCH[reta] 
            _vbe_prompt_segment green cyan $ PRCH[ok] 
        # End of prompt
    # Regular prompt with many information
    # [ ]
setopt prompt_subst
PS1='$(_vbe_prompt) '

Update (2021.05) The following part has been rewritten to be more robust. The code is stolen from Powerlevel10k s issue #888. See the comments for more details.

Our next step is to redraw the prompt after accepting a command. We wrap Zsh line editor into a function:1
    [[ $CONTEXT == start ]]   return 0
    # Start regular line editor
    (( $+zle_bracketed_paste )) && print -r -n - $zle_bracketed_paste[1]
    zle .recursive-edit
    local -i ret=$?
    (( $+zle_bracketed_paste )) && print -r -n - $zle_bracketed_paste[2]
    # If we received EOT, we exit the shell
    if [[ $ret == 0 && $KEYS == $'\4' ]]; then
        zle .reset-prompt
    # Line edition is over. Shorten the current prompt.
    zle .reset-prompt
    unset _vbe_prompt_compact
    if (( ret )); then
        # Ctrl-C
        zle .send-break
        # Enter
        zle .accept-line
    return ret
zle -N zle-line-init _vbe-zle-line-init
That s all!
One downside of using the powerline fonts is that it messes with copy/paste. As I am using tmux, I use the following snippet to work around this issue and use only standard Unicode characters when copying from the terminal:
bind-key -T copy-mode M-w \
  send -X copy-pipe-and-cancel "sed 's/ .* /%/g'   xclip -i -selection clipboard" \;\
  display-message "Selection saved to clipboard!"
Copying and pasting the text from the screenshot above yields the following text:
14:21 % ssh
Linux eizo 4.19.0-16-amd64 #1 SMP Debian 4.19.181-1 (2021-03-19) x86_64
Last login: Fri Apr 23 14:20:39 2021 from 2a01:cb00:3f:b02:9db6:efa4:d85:7f9f
14:21 CEST % uname -a
Linux eizo 4.19.0-16-amd64 #1 SMP Debian 4.19.181-1 (2021-03-19) x86_64 GNU/Linux
14:21 CEST %
Connection to closed.
14:22 % git status
On branch article/zsh-transient
Untracked files:
  (use "git add <file>..." to include in what will be committed)
nothing added to commit but untracked files present (use "git add" to track)

  1. We have to manually enable bracketed paste because Zsh does it after zle-line-init.

16 May 2021

Vincent Fourmond: Tutorial: analyze redox inactivations/reactivations

Redox-dependent inactivations are actually rather common in the field of metalloenzymes, and electrochemistry can be an extremely powerful tool to study them, providing one can analyze the data quantitatively. The point of this point is to teach the reader how to do so using QSoas. For more general information about redox inactivations and how to study them using electrochemical techniques, the reader is invited to read the review del Barrio and Fourmond, ChemElectroChem 2019. This post is a tutorial to learn the analysis of data coming from the study of the redox-dependent substrate inhibition of periplasmic nitrate reductase NapAB, which has the advantage of being relatively simple. The whole processed is discussed in Jacques et al, BBA, 2014. What you need to know in order to follow this tutorial is the following: You can download the data files from the GitHub repository. Before fitting the data to determine the values of the rate constants at the potentials of the experiment, we will first subtract the background current, assuming that the respective contributions of faradaic and non-faradaic currents is additive. Start QSoas, go to the directory where you saved the files, and load both the data file and the blank file thus:
QSoas> cd
QSoas> load 27.oxw
QSoas> load 27-blanc.oxw
QSoas> S 1 0
(after the first command, you have to manually select the directory in which you downloaded the data files). The S 1 0 command just subtracts the dataset 1 (the first loaded) from the dataset 0 (the last loaded), see more there. blanc is the French for blank... Then, we remove a bit of the beginning and the end of the data, corresponding to one half of the steps at \(E_0\), which we don't exploit much here (they are essentially only used to make sure that the irreversible loss is taken care of properly). This is done using strip-if:
QSoas> strip-if x<30 x>300
Then, we can fit ! The fit used is called fit-linear-kinetic-system, which is used to fit kinetic models with only linear reactions (like here) and steps which change the values of the rate constants but do not instantly change the concentrations. The specific command to fit the data is:
QSoas> fit-linear-kinetic-system /species=2 /steps=0,1,2,1,0
The /species=2 indicates that there are two species (A and I). The /steps=0,1,2,1,0 indicates that there are 5 steps, with three different conditions (0 to 2) in order 0,1,2,1,0. This fits needs a bit of setup before getting started. The species are numbered, 1 and 2, and the conditions (potentials) are indicated by #0, #1 and #2 suffixes. For the sake of simplicity, you can also simply load the starting-parameters.params parameters to have all setup the correct way. Then, just hit Fit, enjoy this moment when QSoas works and you don't have to... The screen should now look like this:
Now, it's done ! The fit is actually pretty good, and you can read the values of the inactivation and reactivation rate constants from the fit parameters. You can train also on the 21.oxw and 21-blanc.oxw files. Usually, re-loading the best fit parameters from other potentials as starting parameters work really well. Gathering the results of several fits into a real curve of rate constants as a function of potentials is left as an exercise for the reader (or maybe a later post), although you may find these series of posts useful in this context !
About QSoas QSoas is a powerful open source data analysis program that focuses on flexibility and powerful fitting capacities. It is released under the GNU General Public License. It is described in Fourmond, Anal. Chem., 2016, 88 (10), pp 5050 5052. Current version is 3.0. You can download its source code there (or clone from the GitHub repository) and compile it yourself, or buy precompiled versions for MacOS and Windows there.

11 March 2021

Vincent Fourmond: All tips and tricks about QSoas

I've decided to post regular summaries of all the articles written here about QSoas; this is the first post of this kind. All the articles related to QSoas can be found here also. The articles written here can be separated into several categories. Tutorials to analyze real data These are posts about how to reproduce the data analysis of published articles, including links to the original data so you can fully reproduce our results. These posts all have the label tutorial. All about fits QSoas has a particularly powerful interface for non-linear least square minimisations (fits): Meta-data Meta data describe the conditions in which experiments were performed. Quiz and their solutions Quiz are small problems that take some skill to solve; they can teach you a lot about how to work with QSoas. Other tips and tricks Release annoucements These have generally lot of general information about the possibilities in QSoas:
About QSoas QSoas is a powerful open source data analysis program that focuses on flexibility and powerful fitting capacities. It is released under the GNU General Public License. It is described in Fourmond, Anal. Chem., 2016, 88 (10), pp 5050 5052. Current version is 3.0. You can download its source code there (or clone from the GitHub repository) and compile it yourself, or buy precompiled versions for MacOS and Windows there.

16 February 2021

Vincent Fourmond: QSoas tips and tricks: permanently storing meta-data

It is one thing to acquire and process data, but the data themselves are most often useless without the context, the conditions in which the experiments were made. These additional informations can be called meta-data. In a previous post, we have already described how one can set meta-data to data that are already loaded, and how one can make use of them. QSoas is already able to figure out some meta-data in the case of electrochemical data, most notably in the case of files acquired by GPES, ECLab or CHI potentiostats. However, only a small number of constructors are supported as of now[1], and there are a number of experimental details that the software is never going to be able to figure out for you, such as the pH, the sample, what you were doing... The new version of QSoas provides a means to permanently store meta-data for experimental data files:
QSoas> record-meta pH 7 file.dat
This command uses record-meta to permanently store the information pH = 7 for the file file.dat. Any time QSoas loads the file again, either today or in one year, the meta-data will contain the value 7 for the field pH. Behind the scenes, QSoas creates a single small file, file.dat.qsm, in which the meta-data are stored (in the form of a JSON dictionnary). You can set the same meta-data to many files in one go, using wildcards (see load for more information). For instance, to set the pH=7 meta-data to all the .dat files in the current directory, you can use:
QSoas> record-meta pH 7 *.dat
You can only set one meta-data for each call to record-meta, but you can use it as many times as you like. Finally, you can use the /for-which option to load or browse to select only the files which have the meta you need:
QSoas> browse /for-which=$meta.pH<=7
This command browses the files in the current directory, showing only the ones that have a pH meta-data which is 7 or below.

[1] I'm always ready to implement the parsing of other file formats that could be useful for you. If you need parsing of special files, please contact me, sending the given files and the meta-data you'd expect to find in those. About QSoas QSoas is a powerful open source data analysis program that focuses on flexibility and powerful fitting capacities. It is released under the GNU General Public License. It is described in Fourmond, Anal. Chem., 2016, 88 (10), pp 5050 5052. Current version is 3.0. You can download its source code there (or clone from the GitHub repository) and compile it yourself, or buy precompiled versions for MacOS and Windows there.

Michael Prokop: How to properly use 3rd party Debian repository signing keys with apt

(Blogging this, since this is a recurring anti-pattern I noticed at several customers and often comes up during deployments of 3rd party repositories.) Update on 2021-02-19: clarified, that Signed-By requires apt >= 1.1, thanks Vincent Bernat Many upstream projects provide Debian repository instructions like this:
curl -fsSL   sudo apt-key add -
Do not follow this, for different reasons, including:
  1. You do not see what you get before adding the GPG key to your global apt trust store
  2. You can t easily script this via your preferred configuration management (the apt-key manpage clearly discourages programmatic usage)
  3. The signing key is considered valid for all your enabled Debian repositories (instead of only a specific one)
  4. You need GnuPG (either gnupg2 or gnupg1) on your system for usage with apt-key
There s a much better approach to this: download the GPG key, make sure it s in the appropriate format, then use it via deb [signed-by=/usr/share/keyrings/ ] in your apt s sources list configuration. Note and FTR: the Signed-By feature is available starting with apt 1.1 (so apt in Debian jessie/8 and older does not support it). TL;DR: As an example, let s demonstrate this with the Tailscale Debian repository for buster.
Downloading the GPG file will give you an ascii-armored GPG file:
% curl -fsSL -o buster.gpg
% gpg --keyid-format long buster.gpg 
gpg: WARNING: no command supplied.  Trying to guess what you mean ...
pub   rsa4096/458CA832957F5868 2020-02-25 [SC]
uid                           Tailscale Inc. (Package repository signing key) <>
sub   rsa4096/B1547A3DDAAF03C6 2020-02-25 [E]
% file buster.gpg
buster.gpg: PGP public key block Public-Key (old)
If you have apt version >= 1.4 available (Debian >=stretch/9 and Ubuntu >=bionic/18.04), you can use this file directly as follows:
% sudo mv buster.gpg /usr/share/keyrings/tailscale.asc
% cat /etc/apt/sources.list.d/tailscale.list
deb [signed-by=/usr/share/keyrings/tailscale.asc] buster main
% sudo apt update
And you re done! Iff your apt version really is older than 1.4, you need to convert the ascii-armored GPG file into a GPG key public ring file (AKA binary OpenPGP format), either by just dearmor-ing it (if you don t care about checking ID + fingerprint):
% gpg --dearmor < buster.gpg > tailscale.gpg
or if you prefer to go via GPG, you can also use a temporary GPG home directory (if you don t care about going through your personal GPG setup):
% mkdir --mode=700 /tmp/gpg-tmpdir
% gpg --homedir /tmp/gpg-tmpdir --import ./buster.gpg
gpg: keybox '/tmp/gpg-tmpdir/pubring.kbx' created
gpg: /tmp/gpg-tmpdir/trustdb.gpg: trustdb created
gpg: key 458CA832957F5868: public key "Tailscale Inc. (Package repository signing key) <>" imported
gpg: Total number processed: 1
gpg:               imported: 1
% gpg --homedir /tmp/gpg-tmpdir --output tailscale.gpg  --export-options=export-minimal --export 0x458CA832957F5868
% rm -rf /tmp/gpg-tmpdir
The resulting GPG key public ring file should look like that:
% file tailscale.gpg 
tailscale.gpg: PGP/GPG key public ring (v4) created Tue Feb 25 04:51:20 2020 RSA (Encrypt or Sign) 4096 bits MPI=0xc00399b10bc12858...
% gpg tailscale.gpg 
gpg: WARNING: no command supplied.  Trying to guess what you mean ...
pub   rsa4096/458CA832957F5868 2020-02-25 [SC]
uid                           Tailscale Inc. (Package repository signing key) <>
sub   rsa4096/B1547A3DDAAF03C6 2020-02-25 [E]
Then you can use this GPG file on your system as follows:
% sudo mv tailscale.gpg /usr/share/keyrings/tailscale.gpg
% cat /etc/apt/sources.list.d/tailscale.list
deb [signed-by=/usr/share/keyrings/tailscale.gpg] buster main
% sudo apt update
Such a setup ensures:
  1. You can verify the GPG key file (ID + fingerprint)
  2. You can easily ship files via /usr/share/keyrings/ and refer to it in your deployment scripts, configuration management, (and can also easily update or get rid of them again!)
  3. The GPG key is valid only for the repositories with the corresponding [signed-by=/usr/share/keyrings/ ] entry
  4. You don t need to install GnuPG (neither gnupg2 nor gnupg1) on the system which is using the 3rd party Debian repository
Thanks: Guillem Jover for reviewing an early draft of this blog article.

17 January 2021

Wouter Verhelst: Software available through Extrepo

Just over 7 months ago, I blogged about extrepo, my answer to the "how do you safely install software on Debian without downloading random scripts off the Internet and running them as root" question. I also held a talk during the recent "MiniDebConf Online" that was held, well, online. The most important part of extrepo is "what can you install through it". If the number of available repositories is too low, there's really no reason to use it. So, I thought, let's look what we have after 7 months... To cut to the chase, there's a bunch of interesting content there, although not all of it has a "main" policy. Each of these can be enabled by installing extrepo, and then running extrepo enable <reponame>, where <reponame> is the name of the repository. Note that the list is not exhaustive, but I intend to show that even though we're nowhere near complete, extrepo is already quite useful in its current state:

Free software
  • The debian_official, debian_backports, and debian_experimental repositories contain Debian's official, backports, and experimental repositories, respectively. These shouldn't have to be managed through extrepo, but then again it might be useful for someone, so I decided to just add them anyway. The config here uses the alias for CDN-backed package mirrors.
  • The belgium_eid repository contains the Belgian eID software. Obviously this is added, since I'm upstream for eID, and as such it was a large motivating factor for me to actually write extrepo in the first place.
  • elastic: the elasticsearch software.
  • Some repositories, such as dovecot, winehq and bareos contain upstream versions of their respective software. These two repositories contain software that is available in Debian, too; but their upstreams package their most recent release independently, and some people might prefer to run those instead.
  • The sury, fai, and postgresql repositories, as well as a number of repositories such as openstack_rocky, openstack_train, haproxy-1.5 and haproxy-2.0 (there are more) contain more recent versions of software packaged in Debian already by the same maintainer of that package repository. For the sury repository, that is PHP; for the others, the name should give it away. The difference between these repositories and the ones above is that it is the official Debian maintainer for the same software who maintains the repository, which is not the case for the others.
  • The vscodium repository contains the unencumbered version of Microsoft's Visual Studio Code; i.e., the codium version of Visual Studio Code is to code as the chromium browser is to chrome: it is a build of the same softare, but without the non-free bits that make code not entirely Free Software.
  • While Debian ships with at least two browsers (Firefox and Chromium), additional browsers are available through extrepo, too. The iridiumbrowser repository contains a Chromium-based browser that focuses on privacy.
  • Speaking of privacy, perhaps you might want to try out the torproject repository.
  • For those who want to do Cloud Computing on Debian in ways that isn't covered by Openstack, there is a kubernetes repository that contains the Kubernetes stack, the as well as the google_cloud one containing the Google Cloud SDK.

Non-free software While these are available to be installed through extrepo, please note that non-free and contrib repositories are disabled by default. In order to enable these repositories, you must first enable them; this can be accomplished through /etc/extrepo/config.yaml.
  • In case you don't care about freedom and want the official build of Visual Studio Code, the vscode repository contains it.
  • While we're on the subject of Microsoft, there's also Microsoft Teams available in the msteams repository. And, hey, skype.
  • For those who are not satisfied with the free browsers in Debian or any of the free repositories, there's opera and google_chrome.
  • The docker-ce repository contains the official build of Docker CE. While this is the free "community edition" that should have free licenses, I could not find a licensing statement anywhere, and therefore I'm not 100% sure whether this repository is actually free software. For that reason, it is currently marked as a non-free one. Merge Requests for rectifying that from someone with more information on the actual licensing situation of Docker CE would be welcome...
  • For gamers, there's Valve's steam repository.
Again, the above lists are not meant to be exhaustive. Special thanks go out to Russ Allbery, Kim Alvefur, Vincent Bernat, Nick Black, Arnaud Ferraris, Thorsten Glaser, Thomas Goirand, Juri Grabowski, Paolo Greppi, and Josh Triplett, for helping me build the current list of repositories. Is your favourite repository not listed? Create a configuration based on template.yaml, and file a merge request!

13 January 2021

Vincent Fourmond: Taking advantage of Ruby in QSoas

First of all, let me all wish you a happy new year, with all my wishes of health and succes. I sincerely hope this year will be simpler for most people as last year ! For the first post of the year, I wanted to show you how to take advantage of Ruby, the programming language embedded in QSoas, to make various things, like:

Summing the values in a column When using commands that take formulas (Ruby code), like apply-formula, the code is run for every single point, for which all the values are updated. In particulier, the state of the previous point is not known. However, it is possible to store values in what is called global variables, whose name start with an $ sign. Using this, we can keep track of the previous values. For instance, to create a new column with the sum of the y values, one can use the following approach:
QSoas> eval $sum=0
QSoas> apply-formula /extra-columns=1 $sum+=y;y2=$sum
The first line initializes the variable to 0, before we start summing, and the code in the second line is run for each dataset row, in order. For the first row, for instance, $sum is initially 0 (from the eval line); after the execution of the code, it is now the first value of y. After the second row, the second value of y is added, and so on. The image below shows the resulting y2 when used on:
QSoas> generate-dataset -1 1 x

Extending values in a column Another use of the global variables is to add "missing" data. For instance, let's imagine that a files given the variation of current over time as the potential is changed, but the potential is only changed stepwise and only indicated when it changes:
## time	current	potential
0	0.1	0.5
1	0.2
2	0.3
3	0.2
4	1.2	0.6
5	1.3
If you need to have the values everywhere, for instance if you need to split on their values, you could also use a global variable, taking advantage of the fact that missing values are represented by QSoas using "Not A Number" values, which can be detected using the Ruby function nan?:
QSoas> apply-formula "if y2.nan?; then y2=$value; else $value=y2;end"
Note the need of quotes because there are spaces in the ruby code. If the value of y2 is NaN, that is it is missing, then it is taken from the global variable $value else $value is set the current value of y2. Hence, the values are propagated down:
## time	current	potential
0	0.1	0.5
1	0.2	0.5
2	0.3	0.5
3	0.2	0.5
4	1.2	0.6
5	1.3	0.6
Of course, this doesn't work if the first value of y2 is missing.

Renaming using a pattern The command save-datasets can be used to save a whole series of datasets to the disk. It can also rename them on the fly, and, using the /mode=rename option, does only the renaming part, without saving. You can make full use of meta-data (see also a first post here)for renaming. The full power is unlocked using the /expression= option. For instance, for renaming the last 5 datasets (so numbers 0 to 4) using a scheme based on the value of their pH meta-data, you can use the following code:
QSoas> save-datasets /mode=rename /expression='"dataset-# $meta.pH "' 0..4
The double quotes are cumbersome but necessary, since the outer quotes (') prevent the inner ones (") to be removed and the inner quotes are here to indicate to Ruby that we are dealing with text. The bit inside # ... is interpreted by Ruby as Ruby code; here it is $meta.pH, the value of the "pH" meta-data. Finally the 0..4 specifies the datasets to work with. So theses datasets will change name to become dataset-7 for pH 7, etc...

About QSoas QSoas is a powerful open source data analysis program that focuses on flexibility and powerful fitting capacities. It is released under the GNU General Public License. It is described in Fourmond, Anal. Chem., 2016, 88 (10), pp 5050 5052. Current version is 3.0. You can download its source code there (or clone from the GitHub repository) and compile it yourself, or buy precompiled versions for MacOS and Windows there.

14 December 2020

Vincent Fourmond: Version 3.0 of QSoas is out

After almost two years of development, version 3.0 of QSoas is finally out ! It brings in a number of new features. An expert mode for fitting Undoubtedly the most important feature in the new version is a complete upgrade of the fit system, which now features an expert mode, turned on by using the /expert=true option with the fit commands. The expert mode features a command prompt that looks like the normal command prompt, in which it is possible: The latter feature is very important when running fits with many parameters. In that case, there are a number of local minima, and it is necessary to try a number of different starting parameters to really find the best parameters. The new parameter space exploration feature makes it much easier than before, with an interface that allows easily finding the best parameters tried so far and reuse them.
A new documentation system Another very important update is the inclusion of a new, offline, documentation system. The documentation features browsing via table of contents, a command index and text search. It also features the possibility to copy commands from the help to the command prompt, or even run them directly. To top it all, it comes with a series of startup tips that might teach you a thing or two about QSoas (try hitting Show random to learn new tricks !).
Many other features For the full list of changes, please see the changelog. Apart from the changes described above, these are my favorites:
To get the new version, you can just download the source code from the downloads page, where you can also purchase precompiled versions for Windows and MacOS. You can also clone the source from the GitHub repository. About QSoasQSoas is a powerful open source data analysis program that focuses on flexibility and powerful fitting capacities. It is released under the GNU General Public License. It is described in Fourmond, Anal. Chem., 2016, 88 (10), pp 5050 5052. Current version is 3.0. You can download its source code there (or clone from the GitHub repository) and compile it yourself, or buy precompiled versions for MacOS and Windows there.

23 November 2020

Vincent Fourmond: QSoas tips and tricks: using meta-data, first level

By essence, QSoas works with \(y = f(x)\) datasets. However, in practice, when working with experimental data (or data generated from simulations), one has often more than one experimental parameter (\(x\)). For instance, one could record series of spectra (\(A = f(\lambda)\)) for different pH values, so that the absorbance is in fact a function of both the pH and \(\lambda\). QSoas has different ways to deal with such situations, and we'll describe one today, using meta-data. Setting meta-data Meta-data are simply series of name/values attached to a dataset. It can be numbers, dates or just text. Some of these are automatically detected from certain type of data files (but that is the topic for another day). The simplest way to set meta-data is to use the set-meta command:
QSoas> set-meta pH 7.5
This command sets the meta-data pH to the value 7.5. Keep in mind that QSoas does not know anything about the meaning of the meta-data[1]. It can keep track of the meta-data you give, and manipulate them, but it will not interpret them for you. You can set several meta-data by repeating calls to set-meta, and you can display the meta-data attached to a dataset using the command show. Here is an example:
QSoas> generate-buffer 0 10
QSoas> set-meta pH 7.5
QSoas> set-meta sample "My sample"
QSoas> show 0
Dataset generated.dat: 2 cols, 1000 rows, 1 segments, #0
Meta-data:	pH =	 7.5	sample =	 My sample
Note here the use of quotes around My sample since there is a space inside the value. Using meta-data There are many ways to use meta-data in QSoas. In this post, we will discuss just one: using meta-data in the output file. The output file can collect data from several commands, like peak data, statistics and so on. For instance, each time the command 1 is run, a line with the information about the largest peak of the current dataset is written to the output file. It is possible to automatically add meta-data to those lines by using the /meta= option of the output command. Just listing the names of the meta-data will add them to each line of the output file. As a full example, we'll see how one can take advantage of meta-data to determine the position of the peak of the function \(x^2 \exp (-a\,x)\) depends on \(a\). For that, we first create a script that generates the function for a certain value of \(a\), sets the meta-data a to the corresponding value, and find the peak. Let's call this file do-one.cmds (all the script files can be found in the GitHub repository):
generate-buffer 0 20 x**2*exp(-x*$ 1 )
set-meta a $ 1 
This script takes a single argument, the value of \(a\), generates the appropriate dataset, sets the meta-data a and writes the data about the largest (and only in this case) peak to the output file. Let's now run this script with 1 as an argument:
QSoas> @ do-one.cmds 1
This command generates a file out.dat containing the following data:
## buffer       what    x       y       index   width   left_width      right_width     area
generated.dat   max     2.002002002     0.541340590883  100     3.4034034034    1.24124124124   2.162162162161.99999908761
This gives various information about the peak found: the name of the dataset it was found in, whether it's a maximum or minimum, the x and y positions of the peak, the index in the file, the widths of the peak and its area. We are interested here mainly in the x position. Then, we just run this script for several values of \(a\) using run-for-each, and in particular the option /range-type=lin that makes it interpret values like 0.5..5:80 as 80 values evenly spread between 0.5 and 5. The script is called run-all.cmds:
output peaks.dat /overwrite=true /meta=a
run-for-each do-one.cmds /range-type=lin 0.5..5:80
V all /style=red-to-blue
The first line sets up the output to the output file peaks.dat. The option /meta=a makes sure the meta a is added to each line of the output file, and /overwrite=true make sure the file is overwritten just before the first data is written to it, in order to avoid accumulating the results of different runs of the script. The last line just displays all the curves with a color gradient. It looks like this:
Running this script (with @ run-all.cmds) creates a new file peaks.dat, whose first line looks like this:
## buffer       what    x       y       index   width   left_width      right_width     area    a
The column x (the 3rd) contains the position of the peaks, and the column a (the 10th) contains the meta a (this column wasn't present in the output we described above, because we had not used yet the output /meta=a command). Therefore, to load the peak position as a function of a, one has just to run:
QSoas> load peaks.dat /columns=10,3
This looks like this:
Et voil ! To train further, you can:

[1] this is not exactly true. For instance, some commands like unwrap interpret the sr meta-data as a voltammetric scan rate if it is present. But this is the exception. About QSoasQSoas is a powerful open source data analysis program that focuses on flexibility and powerful fitting capacities. It is released under the GNU General Public License. It is described in Fourmond, Anal. Chem., 2016, 88 (10), pp 5050 5052. Current version is 2.2. You can download its source code there (or clone from the GitHub repository) and compile it yourself, or buy precompiled versions for MacOS and Windows there.

